Postcards from Hell

Weather: Hot, high thousands. Possible showers of fire clearing to brimstone. Wish you were here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The First Day

Whatever I type here will be available for posterity. Marking me as either an unheralded intellect who has come before his time or as a wanker.

It's pretty intimidating. Writing something I can't take back and making it available for all and sundry out there in the real world. You and the person reading over your shoulder. Making decisions in the 10 seconds of attention span you've graciously given me in this internet world.

Ten seconds is a long time, actually, I doubt you've given me that much. Its ironic that machines and computers are always heralded as making our lives easier, so that we'll have more free time for the fun stuff while the computers do the dull stuff. Just in case you didn't notice- that hasn't happened.

Instead, the computer and machines do the dull stuff really, really quickly and then hand it over to the meat to do the stuff that the metal can't. The thing is, the machines produce much more output than we've ever needed to process before. And people expect things faster than ever before. And so, people work harder than what we were promised. Sucks eh?

I've not read James Gleick's Faster so I'm not sure if I've just paraphrased him in any way. I'll read it someday I suppose.


If I have time.


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