Postcards from Hell

Weather: Hot, high thousands. Possible showers of fire clearing to brimstone. Wish you were here.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Spurious Hair Syndrome

As I was shaving myself this morning, I noticed in the mirror that I have long, wiry, pale hairs poking out from my otherwise respectable eyebrows. Needless to say, this was devestating: I'm too young to have mad scientist eyebrows.

The situation caused me to reflect on that dastardly chemical testosterone. In addition to its effect on libido, sexual development, agressiveness and similar fun things, it also manipulates hair growth.

When you're thirteen, this hair growth thing is cool and exciting. But then testosterone turns nasty.

The Lord Testosterone giveth and the Lord Testosterone taketh away.

Here I am at the young age of 32 (young for anyone aged 32 and older, old for anyone going through the blessing phase of testosterone). Hair growth patterns are changing. Evil! Evil!

As per the 13 year old me, hair is appearing in places it hadn't before. Unlike the 13 year old me, these places are in no way 'cool'. I'm getting wiry hair in my nose and my ears and various other places I'd rather it wasn't (but I shall spare you some details).

I'm not entirely sure whether this is new hair or whether it is merely hair that has migrated from my head (and become wiry and travel worn in the progress).

All this because of the high levels of testosterone in my body. 'tis a double edged sword indeed.

If testosterone was a measure of manliness, then bald men are more manly than men with a full head of hair. But don't tell that to the weak men with low self esteem who keep hair replacement, hair regeneration and toupee makers in business. We wouldn't want to upset the economy.

I really don't understand people spending money to get a hair replacement or whatever. Do they hold themselves in such low regard that they need to have hair to seem like a worthwhile human being? That's sad. Their money would be better spent on counciling.

Same goes for all the similar stuff like plastic sugery or botox injections, etc. Its obscene that capitalist interests dwell on the insecurities of the these people.

I suppose, though, that that's what drives most capitalism. "What? You're listening to music but the earphone cord isn't white?! You're not using an iPod? Begone from my presence, loser."

White earphone cords, the cleverest advertising campaign ever. If only I could stick them in my ear without all that hair getting in the way.


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