Postcards from Hell

Weather: Hot, high thousands. Possible showers of fire clearing to brimstone. Wish you were here.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

America the Beautiful Part II


Oh, and its been brought to my attention that in the previous blog I misquoted the article. I thought it said 'in totally other countries' whereas it actually says 'totally in other countries'. So, while I still hold the gist of my article to be true, the particular example was wrong. Oh well.

But don't think that that means the Americans are ok or anything: The following is from the Sydney Morning Herald:

THE Bush Administration has unveiled a blueprint for rebuilding the US's decrepit nuclear weapons complex, including restoration of a large-scale bomb manufacturing facility.

The plan calls for the most sweeping realignment and modernisation of laboratories and factories involved in building nuclear bombs since the Cold War. The US has depended on ageing bombs produced during that period. But now the Administration wants to be able to produce 125 new nuclear bombs per year by 2022.

Oh joy.

125 per year? Just how many people do they want to bomb? Can they use these in their war on terror? Shit, if they're that stupid then I hope they start by bombing the terrorist cells in America first. Say, the Whitehouse for instance.

When they do shit like this how can they wonder why the world hates them?

When they do shit like this how can they possibly believe they have the right to stop Iran doing 'non peaceful' stuff with their uranium?

What makes America exempt from these things? Those arrogant fucks.

The American government, you know, the one that:
  • financially supported the Taliban;
  • helped Suddam Hussein;
  • runs Guantanamo;
  • spies on its citizens;
  • runs Al Graib; and
  • really, really, wants Iraqi oil so it doesn't have to sign the Kyoto Agreement.
If they're really, truly against terrorism and facism then, like charity, they should start at home; they should kill themselves.

In a democracy its difficult to differentiate the idiocy of the government from the idiocy of its electorate. But its hard to believe that such a large country can have such a low IQ.

These are scary times. Not because of the terrorists, but because of the US.

Friday, April 07, 2006

America the Beautiful

A friend of mine directed me to this fantastic quote:
I will warn you that this book is set totally in other countries and therefore some scenes may be hard to read.
The quote can be found in context here; its the first review (at the moment) on that page.

The whole review sounds like its written by a semi-literate, low-IQ high school student or an average American.

Ah, Americans, you gotta love them (lest they invade you or something). Their collective ignorance of the outside world ("other countries" how audacious to write such a book) coupled with their aggressive foreign policy is a joy to behold.

What are "totally other countries" anyway? Is Canada a somewhat other country? Is Iraq a somewhat American country?

I can imagine two yanks reading the review:

Yank One: What does it mean 'other countries'?
Yank Two: Its a typo, there isn't meant to be an 'r' in 'counties'.

My friend who gave me the link commented "Must be hard to be American; to know you are at the centre of the universe but everyone in the universe hates you". What a misguided thing to say. Americans are too ignorant to know that anyone exists, let alone hates them.

Oh well, as long as the got big guns and bombs and the indescretion to use them, they'll continue having 'allies' in the world, just as every school yard bully has allies- those who know to "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

I just hope that the fascism that is oozing out of the US wont corrupt the rest of the world via the incessant Cultural Imperialism that America spews out.

What does a 5,000 pound gorilla do? Anything it wants.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Stroppy is my snake. Pet snake, that is; I'm not one to go around naming my penis. He is a Cape Your Carpet Python.

The colour is a bit off because of the UV lighting and blue heat lamps in the terarium.
I've attempted to adjust it but don't care enough to do it properly.

'Stroppy' is Australian slang which means 'grumpy, pouting, vindictive'. Stroppy is stroppy.

Anyway, he's a big boy now, about 5 foot long (150 cm) so, coupled with the fact that the thermostat was fucked, it prompted me to get him a bigger terrarium. He's been upgraded from a 3 x 3 x 3 foot box to a 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 foot box. Lucky him.

It took him a couple of days but now he's found a tiny little hole in that vast wilderness to curl up in. I don't know why I bothered to pay for the rest of the space if all he's going to do is hide in there, the ungrateful little shit.

Oh well, he's still cute.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I am Earthworm Hear Me Roar.

Why do humans have such a proclivity to fuck with nature? They're either chopping down and burning swathes of rain forest or they are trying to save the giant panda from a devastating lack of libido, coordination and sperm-count.

Both activities are equally arrogant.

Humans have this notion that they are in someway a superior being to the trees they burn and the pandas they save. Well, ok, the pandas do lose. Let's say, better than the trees they burn and the earthworms they grow in their compost heaps to help grow trees that they'll sooner or later cut down.

The thing is, life on earth all evolved from the same epoch. While there may have been multiple outbursts of life in the goo back then it is highly unlikely that more than one survived and even if some did, in the billions-of-years scheme of things the events are effectively simultaneous.

What this means is that the humans and the earthworms (and the pandas) are all evolved to the same degree. The main difference is that the earthworms avoided feature-creep. They are the iPods of the animal kingdom: sufficiently functional with no additional fluff.

There is no superiority here. Some people would kill to have managers who are earthworms.

Earthworms function entirely without superfluous crap: no limbs, no heart, lungs, brain, eyes. They have only four organs: skin, oesophagus thingy, stomach thingy, intestine thingy. Done.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, I suppose there must be sex thingies in there somewhere as well otherwise they'd go the way of the panda.

Stupid pandas.