Open Ceremonies Suck.
I didn't watch the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. Judging from the 'highlights' that I saw on the news (repeatedly) I didn't miss much. For example, I didn't miss the exquisite sense of loss you feel when you've realised you just pissed a couple hours away indulging in popular culture.
'Popular culture'! While arguably popular (and, as such, as good an argument against democracy as you'll ever get) it is not actually culture. When will people learn?
A flying tram for fuck's sake! What is the closing ceremony going to have? An aeroplane on tracks? Trams are stupid. What the hell do Melburnians seen it them?! They have all the inconvenience of a bus (get stuck in traffic) coupled with all the inconvenience of a train (stuck to the tracks). Brilliant.
It seems to me that if the expression 'what the fuck' didn't exist, then Opening Ceremonies would have necessitated its creation.
Not since the Moscow Olympics has there been a worthwhile ceremony. I look forward to the Beijing Olympics. I'm working on the assumption that the communists will get the shit done right. Lets face it:
- Communists have something to prove to the capitalist world; and
- Communists have the means to coerce their people into performing or else.
Liberty has its draw backs and one of them is that we have to put up with mediocre shit at opening ceremonies.
The guy who 'designs' these things has done a few now. When asked how he got into this line of work he responded "When I was a teenager I was an over indulgent wanker so this was just a logical follow on".
I have no proof that that previous paragraph is true but that doesn't mean it isn't.
Roll on Beijing.
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