If somebody says that evolution doesn't exist, kill them. They are too stupid to be allowed to breed and because we enlightened ones know that evolution does exist, we're doing future generations a great service.
To say evolution does not exist is either the sign of an idiot or the sign of a liar. Either way I hate them. What they probably mean to say is that they believe natural selection cannot account for the diversity and complexity they see in nature.
What they fail to grasp (or what they hope you fail to grasp) is that evolution is a concept destinct from natural selection.
If evolution were non-existant then there'd be a great many breeders around the world throughout history who were wasting their time producing new and improved breeds of animals and plants.
Chihuahuas and Saint Bernards are not wolves.
Evolution exists, works and is used now and has been used through history as a tool by which to improve livestock, pets and plants. Its why so many plants come in so many different floral colours. Its why roses have fewer thorns than their wild ancestors.
So the next time someone says that evolution doesn't exist and you happen to not be feeling homocidal, then at least correct them. Do it for me.
To say evolution does not exist is either the sign of an idiot or the sign of a liar. Either way I hate them. What they probably mean to say is that they believe natural selection cannot account for the diversity and complexity they see in nature.
What they fail to grasp (or what they hope you fail to grasp) is that evolution is a concept destinct from natural selection.
If evolution were non-existant then there'd be a great many breeders around the world throughout history who were wasting their time producing new and improved breeds of animals and plants.
Chihuahuas and Saint Bernards are not wolves.
Evolution exists, works and is used now and has been used through history as a tool by which to improve livestock, pets and plants. Its why so many plants come in so many different floral colours. Its why roses have fewer thorns than their wild ancestors.
So the next time someone says that evolution doesn't exist and you happen to not be feeling homocidal, then at least correct them. Do it for me.
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